Bright Futures

Bright Futures

A Monthly Parent Support Group to Connect Parents of Neurodiverse Children

First Thursday of Every Month

March 7th


10481 Grantline Road, Ste. 105

Bright Futures is a supportive community dedicated to connecting and empowering parents of children with additional support needs. We understand the unique challenges and triumphs that come with raising a neurodivergent child and we believe in the power of coming together to share experiences, insights, and resources.

At Bright Futures, we provide a safe and welcoming space where parents can find understanding, empathy, and strength in each other's journeys. Whether you're navigating the complexities of advocating for your child's education, seeking guidance on accessing support services, or simply craving connection with others who understand, we are here for you.

Our mission is to foster a sense of unity, resilience, and hope among parents facing similar challenges. Through regular meetings, discussions, and guest speakers, we aim to equip parents with knowledge, support, and inspiration to navigate the highs and lows of parenting a child with additional support needs.

Join us at Bright Futures as we build bridges of support, understanding, and empowerment within our community of parents. Together, we can navigate this journey with compassion, courage, and resilience.

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